I was recently made aware that Princess's birth mom is doing extremely well. I've been told she is clean and holding down a job! It's wonderful news!

You see, we were told during our Foster Parent classes that only 1 in 10 Meth addicts can ever become free from the addiction. Meth is probably the hardest drug addiction to overcome...even harder than Cocaine.

Princess has 3 biological siblings. Their birth mother isn't parenting any of them. She was never able to stay with any programs offered by Human Services long enough to help get any of her children back. She was in and out of jail, and many different rehabs.

When Princess was a newborn, I sat with the birth mom each week before her supervised visits began and listened to her talk about how much she loved all of her children. I watched as she cradled her newborn daughter, and cried. She would sit with Princess on her chest, just taking in the smell of the top her head. There was no doubt in my mind this woman loved her children with every bone in her body. -Yet the very next week she wouldn't show up for her visit. I always suspected when a visit was missed it was thanks to some kind of substance that had come in between visiting her child. She and Birth-Dad missed so many visits, they were finally canceled altogether.

At the time, I really didn't hold out much hope that she would ever come clean. In my mind, there's no bigger goal than to reunite with your children. I guess the addiction was just too strong.

Anyway, while I am very glad to have this beautiful child to call my own now, my heart still (and probably always will) aches sometimes because she could not be with her biological mommy. I guess it's because I was able to see how much this woman truly loved her. She just wasn't able to overcome the addiction in time.

While the news of her doing so well is great to hear, we have to keep in mind she's not yet in the clear. I've read that the addiction to Meth is so strong, one must be clean 2-3 years before you're out of the woods!

I hope and pray Princess's birth mom is able to remain drug free. You never know, someday her daughter may want to seek her out. If that day comes, I want Princess to meet the woman I know her birth mom must be inside.... The one I saw briefly that carressed and cried for her daughter. The one that love was eminating from. Not a homeless drug addict. I don't want my child to ever see that side to her birth mom.

My fingers are crossed.

3 messages:

  1. Kristina P. said...

    My very first social work job, when I graduated from college was for DCFS, as a drug court worker. The majority of my clients were young meth moms who had their children taken away.

    One of my most memorable was a mom who HATED me at first, but she cleaned up and got her kids back. I closed the case, and she called me after she had been sober a year, to tell me and to thank me. It still makes me tear up. It can happen. I hope it happens for her!  

  2. Dorsey said...

    You're truly an amazing person and I admire you for taking in your little princess. I pray you're right about her birth mother turning over a new leaf and keeping it that way. =)  

  3. Mrs. Breum said...

    just found your blog. we have been fostering a baby for almost a year (since birth) and mom has been clean for about 9 months. glad to find your blog-  

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