Hi there!

I'm Kristen, wife of 11 years and Stay-at-Home Mom of 4 children. 3 boys and an Adopted Princess.

Christopher (12)
NJ (10)
Trey (8)
and Princess (3.5)
*Some names have been changed for privacy.

I started this blog to follow us through the process of our adoption of our youngest child from the Foster Care System. It continues to capture life as we deal with everyday struggles and celebrations.

Adoption History:
'The Princess' came to us at a mere 2 days old. At first, we had no intention of adopting her. Although we loved her very much, the initial goal was reunification with her Birth Parents. As the case progressed, it became very apparent that her Birth Parents would not be able to get her back. At that time, DHS asked us if we would consider adopting her. The entire family was extremely happy knowing that she could be ours forever!

Soon after, a judge ruled in our favor and awarded us "Allocation of Parental Responsibilities". (Essentially a form of Custody) Before we could finalize the Adoption we moved to a new State, ultimately delaying the entire process. It wasn't until shortly before her 3rd birthday that we were finally able to finalize the Adoption.

We are also parents to a special needs child. Our son NJ has been diagnosed with several things over the years from Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, High Functioning Autism, Chiari Malformation and Psudotumor Cerebri. In March 2008 he had his first Brain Surgery (Chiari Decompression) and in Sept. 2008 his first LP shunt placed. While I try to keep most of his medical mumbo jumbo off the blog and on his Caringbridge site, you will read about some of it here as well.

This blog is a conglomeration of parenting a high-maintenance toddler and a bunch of rambunctious boys. Our life of chaos.

Join us in our journey!

8 messages:

  1. Jennefer said...

    Beautiful! She is so precious. I hope she continues painting!  

  2. Lala said...

    Thanks for sharing your story. It's a great one indeed!  

  3. cltgrace said...

    Hi. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm an early intervention specialist/therapist & work with families walking a similar path. You guys are amazing & I count it a privilege to walk alongside in the journey. You are what the world needs. Thank you!  

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hi, your blog is really beautiful and informative for moms and parents. Thanks for sharing your story. I look forward to your great posts. Also, I’d love for you to share your experience with our mom readers. Please check out our site at http://momaroo.com.  

  5. Gina said...

    I am a mother to seven children, the youngest four adopted through the foster care system in MO. We fostered for 8 years, how we only ended up with four children is amazing. All of our children were born to mothers who had other children in care....father's names not really too important in their lives. Three of the children were born positive for drugs. The fourth no drugs just mental health issues in bio family. They are 2-9, and the rollercoaster ride never seems to end.  

  6. Laury said...

    Hi. I found your blog when looking for PTC blogs. I'm a 36 yr old mother who has PTC. I can't imagine a child going thru it. Rt now I'm at the University of Chicago having a drain trial. It's no fun. I've had one LP shunt and now none because of an infection. It's a lonely road for sure. Hard to type with iv in my finger. sorry:) ergh. Praying your little boy is doing well.  

  7. Laury said...

    36! In my dreams. lol. 46. must be on awful good drugs. yikes  

  8. Anonymous said...

    Hi -

    My name is Alix Rosenberg and I work in Digital Marketing at Universal Music Group.

    I will occasionally send out offers to bloggers of our newly released albums to use as product giveaways and for review and would love to include you on that list. If you'd like to be contacted in the future, please send me your email address at Alix.Rosenberg@umusic.com.



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