I'm having such a hard time understanding all this html STUFF! In the past, I've had complaints from individuals that could not access my blog. I had no clue why. Recently, I made the big switch from IE to Firefox (Wow, big improvement! I must have been under a rock all this time) I thought perhaps that was why some people couldn't access the blog so I tested it in both browsers.

What I saw was completely unexpected. The blog looked totally different!! It was downright UGLY. Colors and Fonts that I had not chosen. Anyway, I *thought* I fixed it. Then someone brought to my attention that some people cannot see my header correctly because the font I use ISN'T installed on everyone's computer.

That's odd. You mean not everyone likes the same fonts that I do?? WELL WHY THE HECK NOT! heeheehee

To make a long story short, this is what I see when I look at my blog....

What do YOU see?
Anyone care to help a girl out?

I think I need professional help. Photobucket

(No not THAT kind!)

4 messages:

  1. A. T. said...

    I see the same thing you do. :)  

  2. ChandraJoy said...

    I saw the same thing you did yesterday, but now I don't see the picture on the right. I wish I could give you some help, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to stuff like this. Hope you figure it out.  

  3. Momma chaos said...

    ok now just the other day (my days run together so it could have been yesterday or a week ago?) I saw what you see.. HOwever today, it's different. The adorable feet picture & all the stuff underneath is no longer in the brown sidebar but is directly underneath your post instead? Go figure! Hope that helps some!  

  4. Anonymous said...

    I see the same thing you do, too. I use Firefox.  

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