I've been awarded my very first award!! It came from Dorsey over at Searching For My Inner Skinny.
Here are the rules...

1. Put the award up on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog

So, as with so many other awards, I need to share the love. Since Adoption Day is in November and it's right around the corner, I think I'll give this award to some of my fellow Adoption bloggers...

In no particular order:

Born in our Hearts
- She's adopted 2 beautiful little girls. One was through a disrupted International Russion Adoption, and the other a Domestic Adoption.

Cookie Crumbs and Bit Bits - Tamara and her husband have completed 2 Foster Care Adoptions!

From Yuppies to Parents in just 8 months- This couple is going to be adopting privately from a family member. Their story is a new one and I look forward to reading more about their journey.

Keeping afloat most days- Brenda adopted through the Foster Care system like we did, and her son is about the same age as Princess!

Through the eyes of an Adoptive family in waiting
This family was JUST MATCHED for an Open Adoption! I am SO excited for them! The baby is due Dec. 28th. All my fingers and toes are crossed.

My Life A newbie on the block! They are hoping to adopt from the Foster Care system. They're currently finishing up classes and I look forward to reading about their journey as they get their feet wet. :-D

You could always adopt Dream Mommy has adopted a handsome little boy from the Foster Care system and continues to be foster in hopes that they may adopt again.

1 messages:

  1. Uberly Ewe said...

    Thank you so much Kristen! I am honored that you would think of me and my blog for this beautiful award.
    I am excited to read about all the other blogs you have found, and will be sure to check them out. I always love to meet other families who have been blessed through Adoption.  

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